Prrrrrty Cats Around the World
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Prrrrrty Cats Around the World

So, the title’s a wee misleading. In a post called “Prrrrrty Cats Around the World,” you’d expect to see catsΒ fromΒ at leastΒ six out of seven continents. (I’m pretty sure Antarctica doesn’t have cats, you guys — but lemme know if I’m wrong!) Instead, thisΒ shouldΒ be called: “A Selection of Cats from Ten Countries on Four Continents in…

Morocco Beckons: Finding My Roots
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Morocco Beckons: Finding My Roots

“Coffee or tea?” Abdul asked when I entered the breakfast room. It was November 30th. I had woken up, gotten ready, and gone to breakfast as usual that morning — although it was anything but a usual day. “Coffee, thank you.” I sat at one of the breakfast tables and unwrapped a few slices of…

Morocco Beckons: Lost in Fez
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Morocco Beckons: Lost in Fez

My alarm barely made a peep before I switched it off and got up. I brushed my teeth and got dressed, putting on my jacket and scarf. It was sure to be cold out. I unlocked the double doors separating my room from the breakfast room, trying not to let them creak. Stepping out, I…